Educational visits



Use of video games in education

Theremino was presented to the sixth iGBL conference at Trinity College, Dublin, 1-2 September. The theme was specific, l ’ the use of video games in education, a ’ idea does not exist in the Italian school and families, where c ’ 's only demonizing or, at most, tolerance. In Europe and the far East (Malaysia, Korea and China) you are using for years as resources. The child when he plays a concentration which has incredible conquest dell ’, don't feel hungry, cold, hot, He spends hours without realizing it.

Pyro at Trinity College
Is just the concern of parents and educators in the face of these events, but you can go further, You can use the game as a good resource. As? To answer you should repeat here the speeches of 60 speakers came from all over the world.

Yours truly presented a workshop entitled Theremino “A bridge from the virtuality to reality”. L’ interest in the possibilities offered by the small green card has been remarkable.

  1. Piro says:

    L’I.C. di Corniglio (Parma) presente allo School Maker Day 2016, a Bologna, Opificio Golinelli, dove sono stati esposti i lavori dei nostri ragazzi con Theremino e Arduino, in tema di Coding e Making.
    Theremino ha suscitato curiosità e domande.
    Presenti scuole secondarie di secondo grado ma anche di primo, e anche scuole della primaria, segno di un interesse crescente per questa nuova didattica.
    E’ stata una giornata ricca di idee e spunti interessanti vissuta in un clima cordiale ed informale da veri Maker.
    Sia sulla home page del sito dedicato ( ) che sulla pagina facebook ( ) e sulle altre pagine social è disponibile una prima raccolta di foto che racconta l’evento. E’ anche andato in onda un servizio su RAI3 nel TG delle 14:

  2. Piro says:

    On 1th and 2th of September Theremino will be presented at Trinity College, Dublin, the focus on any projects in the educationl area.

    L’uno e il due settembre Theremino e le sue possibili applicazioni nella didattica saranno presentati al Trinity College di Dublino

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